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Updated: Jun 9, 2020

O.K. now don’t be thinking I’m completely off my rocker, but I believe in a lot of different metaphysical beliefs and one of those happens to be that colours have vibrations. You see, everything in the universe is made up of one thing, and that is light energy. Light energy moves at different frequencies, but the human eye is only capable of perceiving light in a frequency range of about 400nm-700nm (from red to violet). However, there are other animal species that are capable of perceiving even more frequencies and colours (for example, many birds and insects can see ultraviolet light, which is of a higher frequency than we can perceive). Regardless of the range of colour and frequency vibration that we are able to see, the ability to perceive different colours simply means that we have an innate ability to easily detect the vibration that we need and want. An easy way to help create your reality is through using colours that align with the vibrations of what you desire.

You can actually use Colours to Create Your Reality

While it is true that some colours (like purple) have a higher vibration and frequency than other colours (like red), each colour serves an important purpose. Using colour effectively requires that you are knowledgeable about colour frequency vibration.

Once you understand the basics, you can easily decide what clothes to wear, what colour car to buy, or what colour to paint your room. Depending on what you are trying to achieve in life, you can surround yourself with the colour that best represents your reality the way you want. Here are a few examples of how to use colour effectively:

1. Want to give a great presentation, speech or sales pitch? Wear a blue shirt, suit or dress to communicate more effectively.

2. Do you have to be around toxic people for some reason today? Wear black to protect yourself from absorbing their energy.

3. Want to cheer up a sick or sad friend? Wear green or pink to bring the presence of unconditional love to your friend.

4. Trying to ramp up your sex life? Wear orange.

5. Want to remember your dreams at night or lucid dream? Wear indigo or violet pajamas, or purchase bedding in these colours.

6. Need a boost of confidence? Wear yellow.

7. When meditating: Imagine white light.

8. What colour to paint the baby’s room? I recommend green or pink to envelop your new child in love.

9. Are you depressed? People tend to select colours like black, red, brown or gray when they are down, but it is advisable to resist this urge and pick higher vibrational colours to lift your spirits like indigo, yellow or pink.

We all have our favourite colours and mine is green – It has always been green for as long as I can remember. We all have a favourite colour and it seems all colours have a different meaning. What is your favourite colour (you have one)? To discover your personality colour, ask yourself: what is my favourite colour? Answer this question now before reading any further. Don't think about it, be spontaneous with your answer; accept the first colour that comes into your mind and don't analyze your choice.

It is this instinctual choice of a colour that tells you a lot about yourself, how you function and how others see you. It is the means to understanding your behaviour and your character traits as well as your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states. It reflects the way you operate in the world, your strengths and weaknesses, your vulnerabilities, your deepest needs and your challenges at that time in your life.

So are you open to discovering the benefits of a conscious use of colour psychology in your life?

Then take the plunge and delve into the world of colour: it is pervasive, it enriches our emotions, our relationships and our lives. Colours can inspire you to reach your highest potential. Once you delve into the magical world of colour you will become as excited as I am about how it can affect your whole life. In fact, you will never look at colour the same way again!

The Meaning of Colours

Red is the colour of energy, passion, action, ambition and determination. It is also the colour of anger and sexual passion.

Orange is the colour of social communication and optimism. From a negative colour meaning it is also a sign of pessimism and superficiality.

Yellow is the colour of the mind and the intellect. It is optimistic and cheerful. However it can also suggest impatience, criticism and cowardice.

Green is the colour of balance and growth. It can mean both self-reliance as a positive and possessiveness as a negative.

Blue is the colour of trust and peace. It can suggest loyalty and integrity as well as conservatism and frigidity.

Indigo is the colour of intuition. In the meaning of colours it can mean idealism and structure as well as ritualistic and addictive.

Purple is the colour of the imagination. It can be creative and individual or immature and impractical.

Turquoise is the colour of communication and clarity of mind. It can also be impractical and idealistic.

Pink is unconditional love and nurturing. Pink can also be immature, silly and girlish.

Magenta is a colour of universal harmony and emotional balance. It is spiritual yet practical, encouraging common sense and a balanced outlook on life.

Brown is a friendly yet serious, down-to-earth colour that relates to security, protection, comfort and material wealth.

Gray is the colour of compromise - being neither black nor white; it is the transition between two non-colours. It is unemotional and detached and can be indecisive.

Silver has a feminine energy; it is related to the moon and the ebb and flow of the tides - it is fluid, emotional, sensitive and mysterious.

White is colour at its most complete and pure, the colour of perfection. The colour meaning of white is purity, innocence, wholeness and completion.

Black is the colour of the hidden, the secretive and the unknown, creating an air of mystery. It keeps things bottled up inside, hidden from the world.

Just to bring all this information into perspective, it is a scientific fact that although most frequencies exist outside of our normal range of perception, all can be perceived as both colours and sounds. There are seven colours in a rainbow and seven notes in the musical scale. So the colour blue is also heard as the musical key of D, which vibrates at 587 Hz. But what is most interesting is that, if a frequency is vibrating fast enough, it’s emitted as a colour of light.

This is the really cool part—the philosophical and scientific basis for the Law of Vibration is found in quantum physics and in Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. Energy is related to matter and the speed of Light. This is Einstein’s famous E = mc2 equation.

So before you decide on a colour of clothing or the colour you are going to paint your house – remember you are actually picking a vibration!!

Author: Kathryn Hartwell

References:, and


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