Preparing for parenthood is an exciting, but potentially overwhelming time. We are both often asked what items should be purchased before the baby is born.
Essential items:
Bucket car seat
Infant sleep space
Swaddle blankets
Vitamin D drops for baby
Prenatal vitamins
Good to have:
Vitamin E based cream for stretch marks
(or incisions)
Postpartum recovery tools - pads, underwear, witch hazel, nipple creams, our gratitude
journal, Epsom salts
Baby carrier
Newborn pajamas
Items that can wait:
Infant feeding tools - breast pumps, large
quantities of formula, large quantities of bottles.
Infant soothing tools - swings/bouncers,
soothers, special sound machines.
Matching outfits - they are cute but are they “essential”? Not really.
Newborn fancy clothing
Fancy sound machines, toys, furniture. All they need is a bassinet or sleep space.
Proper preparation can help ease the transition into parenthood. It saves you from completing TOO much in-the-moment research or purchases and focus on learning your new role as a parent. It is important to remember that you are getting to know your baby and even at a very young age, it has preferences. So, that is why it is a good idea to hold off buying some products in advance. Even though you like them and think they will be useful, your baby may not agree.
Interested in getting more support and guidance through this transition to parenthood? JLM offers prenatal education, birth doula support and postpartum/infant feeding consultations. Please reach out if you’d like to learn more or if you have any questions! We also frequently share information on our Instagram page: @jessandleematernity.
Jess and Lee ~ Jess and Lee Maternity